Part of the new Clinical Approach series—which focuses on key topics in cardiology—this pragmatic, comprehensive guide is intended for residents, practitioners, advanced practice nurses, and physician assistants, and covers arterial, venous, and lymphatic diseases. Easy-to-read chapters are written by clinical experts in interventional cardiology, interventional radiology, vascular surgery, and podiatry, and begin with helpful quick-reference summaries.
Includes up-to-date information on imaging, complications, and limb salvaging, as well as pharmacology therapies such as drug-coated stents.
Clinical algorithms help you make well-informed diagnostic, treatment, and disease management decisions in those with poor circulation issues.
Guidance on the most current equipment and technology designed to ensure patients are treated with the most efficacious modalities available.
Includes illustrations, photos, and other images.
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Acute Stroke Intervention
Cervical Carotid and Vertebral Disease
Subclavian Artery StenosisInterventions
Coarctation of the Aorta
Endovascular Management of the Ascending Aorta and the Aortic Arch
Endovascular Repair of the Descending Aorta
Pulmonary Artery Stenosis
BareMetal DrugEluting and Reabsorbable Stents
Atherectomy for Peripheral Arterial Disease
Thrombectomy and Thrombolysis
Hybrid Lower Extremity Revascularization
Pharmacotherapy in Peripheral Artery Disease
Vascular Access Complications
Limb Salvage From a Podiatric Standpoint
Pulmonary Vascular Diseases and Interventions
Renovascular Disease
Endovascular Intervention of Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease
Endovascular Interventions in Superficial Femoral Artery Disease
Below Knee Revascularization
DrugCoated Therapies
Deep Vein Thrombosis
MayThurner Syndrome
Superficial Venous Disease of the Legs and Treatment