Pocket Podiatry gives you all the essentials of examination and diagnosis in a convenient, user-friendly format. With the emphasis on practical, step-by-step guidance, this handy volume includes helpful diagrams, full colour photographs, tables, tips and summary boxes to give you quick access to key information with the minimum of fuss.With its clarity and portability, students will find the Pocket Podiatry series an invaluable companion to their studies, while practitioners will appreciate its clinical orientation and concision.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Consulting with children
Chapter 2 Embryology and fetal development
Chapter 3 Basic bones of ontogeny
Chapter 4 Developmental biomechanics
Chapter 5 Gait development
Chapter 6 Examination of paediatric foot posture
Chapter 7 Growing pains
Chapter 8 Clubfoot: talipes equinovarus
Chapter 9 Metatarsus adductus
Chapter 10 Intoeing gait
Chapter 11 Toe walking
Chapter 12 Verrucae
Chapter 13 Sport and the osteochondroses
Chapter 14 Footwear
Chapter 15 Orthoses