The Clubfoot Revisited by Sureshwar Pandey and Anil Kumar Pandey covers case studies of the oldest deformity of the skeletal system and demonstrates how to manage, manipulate, massage, physiotherapy, splinting, strapping, manipulative plaster casting, soft tissue release operations, tendon transfers, osteotomy, and correction by external fixators, stabilization of points, etc.
Table of contents for The Clubfoot Revisited:
1. Introduction
2. Historical Aspect
3. Aetiology of Clubfoot
4. Controversies about the Clubfoot
5. Pathology
6. Short Description of Certain Deformities which Remain in or maybe associated with Clubfoot
7. Classification of Clubfoot
8. Investigations for Clubfoot
9. Management of Clubfoot
10. Minimally Invasive Cast Correction of Clubfoot (MICC)
11. Revision Surgery and Tendon Transfer in Clubfoot
12. Neglected Clubfoot
13. Complicated Clubfoot/Equinocavovarus Foot
14. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Programmes for Clubfoot Patients
15. Future of Clubfoot