The disease of metatarsalgia under consideration may be described as a painful affection of the plantar digital nerves, directly caused by pressure upon or pinching of them or of their…
This textbook provides the information needed to begin a career in nursing foot care in Canada, and is a valuable resource for students as well as new and established foot…
Forensic Podiatry: Principles and Methods, Second Edition has been completely updated to reflect the latest developments and advancements in this changing field. New additions to the book, from the previous…
Plantar fibromatosis (PF), or Ledderhose disease as it is eponymously known, is a pathology of the plantar aponeurosis characterized by disordered fibrous tissue proliferation and the subsequent formation of nodules.…
A Treatise on Corns, Bunions, the Diseases of Nails, and the General Management of the Feet by Lewis Durlacher from 1845 is one of the classics that underpins the profession…
Understanding the Human Foot by James Earls is an essential resource for bodyworkers, physical therapists, and sports medicine practitioners–a vital guide to understanding the anatomy, form, and mechanics of the…
Foot Health Myths, Facts & Fables: Podiatry Reflections by David Tollafield. ‘Foot Health Myths’ is an easy-to-read book that dips in and out of topics while reflecting upon the work…
3D Printing in Podiatric Medicine is a book by Kamalpreet Sandhu, Sunpreet Singh, Chander Prakash, Karupppasamy Subburaj and Seeram Ramakrishna that is due to be published in October, 2022 3D…
Foot disorders have been a health problem since man adopted the bipedal posture, making all his weight fall on his feet, and that these absorb all the forces of action…
StatPearls Publishing Review Series strives to help you learn the pearls in Podiatry Medicine. This text contains 365 multiple-choice questions with explanations that are linked to additional online references.