sports medicine

Sports Nutrition for Health Professionals

Sports Nutrition for Health Professionals merges the basic principles and latest evidence-based scientific understanding of sports nutrition with the real-world practical applications that health professional students must master to help…

Specific Sports-Related Injuries

Specific Sports-Related Injuries, edited by Sergio Rocha Piedade, Philippe Neyret, João Espregueira-Mendes, Moises Cohen and Mark R. Hutchinson offers a comprehensive and detailed overview of specific sports-related injuries and a…

Lateral Ankle Instability

Lateral Ankle Instability edited by Hélder M.D. Pereira, Masato Takao, Stephane Guillo, Mark Glazebrook, C. Niek van Dijk, James Calder and Jon Karlsson is a superbly illustrated, up-to-date reference textbook…

Foot Deformities in Athletes

Foot Deformities in Athletes is a research thesis published by Our Knowledge Publishing and authored by Maamoun Mihoubi, Mourad Zaraa and Oussama Barkallah. Foot deformities are very common in the…